The TeamVesting contract implements a linear token vesting schedule for Lendefi DAO team members with a critical DAO-controlled cancellation mechanism. This revised implementation significantly improves upon the original design with cleaner code, better gas efficiency, and enhanced security features.
Architecture Analysis
Design Philosophy
Clean Separation of Concerns: Each function focuses on a single responsibility
Security-First Approach: Multiple protection layers including reentrancy guards and two-step ownership transfers
Gas Optimization: Storage efficiency through immutable variables and minimal state changes
Controlled Cancellation: DAO governance can reclaim unvested tokens while respecting earned allocations
Core Components
Linear Vesting Engine: Time-proportional token release calculation
Beneficiary Management: Ownership represents the beneficiary with secure transfer capabilities
DAO Control Mechanism: Timelock-restricted cancellation functionality
Event System: Comprehensive event emissions for all state changes
Technical Implementation
Gas Efficiency Improvements
Replaced mapping with single uint256 for token tracking (major gas savings)
Added early return for zero-amount release operations
Uses custom errors instead of string messages
Efficiently structured control flow with minimal state changes
Enhanced Security
ReentrancyGuard protection on state-modifying functions
Two-step ownership transfer process prevents transfer mistakes
Explicit error handling with custom errors
Safe token transfers with balance validation
No direct ETH handling to avoid common pitfalls
Better Transparency
Added initialization event with comprehensive parameters
Clear error messages with semantic naming (Unauthorized, ZeroAddress)
Consistent event emissions for traceability
Cleaner Code Structure
Logical organization of functions
Consistent naming conventions
Well-structured visibility (public/private/internal)
Optimized control flow with early returns
Implementation Details
The contract demonstrates several technical improvements:
Storage Optimization
Four immutable variables for core parameters (start, duration, token, timelock)
Single uint256 for tracking released tokens
No redundant storage variables
Validation Mechanics
Custom timelock validation via modifier and internal function
Address validation in constructor using custom error
Implicit vesting calculation validation through formula
Cancellation Flow
Two-phase process: release vested tokens first, then return remainder
Safe transfer with balance checking
Handles multiple cancellations gracefully
Functional Assessment
Core Features
Linear Vesting Calculation
Standard time-proportion formula:
totalAllocation * (currentTime - startTime) / duration
Clear boundary handling for pre-vesting and post-vesting periods
Gas-efficient calculation with minimal operations
Release Mechanism
On-demand release pattern initiated by beneficiary
Automatic accumulated release calculation
Protection against zero-value operations
Cancellation Capability
DAO-controlled (timelock only) function
Automatically releases earned tokens before cancellation
Returns only unvested tokens to the timelock
Works correctly at any point in vesting schedule
Ownership Controls
Inherits Ownable2Step for secure ownership transfers
Clean separation between ownership (beneficiary) and governance (timelock)
Security Analysis
The updated contract demonstrates strong security practices:
Protection Mechanisms
ReentrancyGuard to prevent reentrant attacks
Proper checks-effects-interactions pattern
SafeERC20 usage for token transfers
Two-step ownership transfer pattern
Access Controls
Clearly defined roles (owner as beneficiary, timelock as controller)
Custom modifier with explicit error messaging
Function-level access restrictions
Safety Checks
Zero address validation in constructor
Balance checks before transfers
Early returns to prevent zero-value operations
Improvement Evaluation
✅ Storage Efficiency: Changed from token mapping to single variable
✅ Event Transparency: Added initialization event in constructor
✅ Error Handling: Implemented custom errors
✅ Zero-Value Protection: Added early return for zero release amount
✅ Constructor Optimization: Removed unnecessary payable modifier
Inherits: ITEAMVESTING, Context, Ownable2Step, ReentrancyGuard
Cancellable Vesting contract
Offers flexible withdrawal schedule (gas efficient)
Implements secure linear vesting for the DAO team
Note: security-contact:
State Variables
start timestamp
duration seconds
token address
timelock address
amount of tokens released
Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
Sets the owner to beneficiary address, the start timestamp and the vesting duration of the vesting contract.
Allows the DAO to cancel the contract in case the team member is fired. Release vested amount and refund the remainder to timelock. Can be called multiple times but will only transfer remaining balance.
Release the tokens that have already vested. Emits a {ERC20Released} event.
Getter for the start timestamp.
start timestamp
Getter for the vesting duration.
duration seconds
Getter for the end timestamp.
end timestamp
Getter for the amount of token already released
amount of tokens released so far
Getter for the amount of releasable token
ERC20 tokens.
amount of vested tokens
Throws if the sender is not the timelock.
Calculates the amount of tokens that has already vested. Default implementation is a linear vesting curve.
current timestamp
amount vested
Virtual implementation of the vesting formula. This returns the amount vested, as a function of time, for an asset given its total historical allocation.
initial amount
current timestamp
amount vested
Last updated